Monday 31 March 2014

Absolute Hearts Personality Of The Month

YDIZ started the game younger than expected, he started with stage-miming and  wrote his first song in 2006. He had his first studio experience at Hi-point studio formerly in Shagamu, where the World Famous Studio Engineer 'INDOMIX' showed him the green light.
He recorded his first demo song  “OMOLEWA” which announced his arrival into OOU Music World in 2010. He started getting featured at his early stage (SHAKE IT_Late 'LB' OOU Best Producer 2010)(Kiletiiri_SLIMFIT 'TASUED Best Artiste'10) and became a contestant as Ogun State’s Last Man Standing inthe Int'l DON JAZZY ENIGMA competition by emerging one of the MIXTAPE FINALISTS in 2011.

He released his first track officially on air in 2011 which was ’2KASA’ ft Mayor wete.
He has been featured by so many artistes in and out of OOU. He is famously called da Chorus Making Machine! (CMM)
Late 2012, he officially released a mind-blowing AFROPOP/AZONTO hit-banger titled #conFIRM!  Produced by S.CUBE, Mixed n Mastered by INDOMIX! This has been enjoying some air play on Topradio, Rockcity, Starfm and lots of DJ mixes.

d way she wine

His recent Party Starter Hit single "D WAY SHE WINE" is already Naija DJ’s favourite. DOWNLOAD and testify to all this stories. Watch out for this 'SUPA-DUPA STARBOY!' #ydiz #IndapondMuzik

Connect with YDIZ
twitter: @ydizindapond
Facebook: Indapond
BBM: 7AC78116.

Sunday 30 March 2014

New Article: 7 Creative Ways to Greatly Improve Your Resume

Your resume is your own personal promotional advertisement; including sufficient information to sell your skills and experience will determine whether you are asked for an interview.
Think of a promotional flyer; the main purpose of a flyer is to give relevant information to the reader. The same is the case with your resume.  Your resume should highlight the most attention-grabbing, impressive and unique details about you, your work and your skills.  Your resume doesn’t have abundant time to make a great impression on the employer. A professional recruiter can tell in seconds the time your resume has to get noticed. So your resume should help the employers to determine whether your skills match their needs.
In this extremely competitive market, it’s important that your resume and cover letter be specifically meshed toward a particular opportunity. Here are few creative ways to greatly improve your resume.

1. Make a great first impression.

The first section of your resume shows a clear picture of the value you’ll bring to an employer. The headline and the summary section can be used to capture the reader’s superfluous attention by emphasizing outstanding successes, experience, expertise and professional qualities.
Let’s give you an example of a creative Headline and Summary section:
  • Headline: Marketing Manager with expertise in Marketing and PR
  • Summary: Marketing Manager with seven (7) years of experience in advertising, Public Relations and Marking for several multinational Brands.

2. Select specific industries, businesses, and disciplines.

You cannot send the same resume to different companies for different jobs. Rather, you should customize each application for each employer. Your job search should focus on the targeted areas in industries, companies, businesses or services sector.

3. Highlight your expertise, capabilities, skills, and successes.

Contemplate your interests, experiences, skills, and achievements that you want to showcase to a potential employer. Try to add the obvious yet essential qualities of yours to make yourself unique and impress the employer. To have a satisfying career it is essential to understand your interests, expertise and qualities.

4. Improve readability.

Improve the readability of your resume by using the language that is comprehensive and understandable to those who make hiring decisions in these fields. Avoid using certain terms, phrases, and contractions that are distorted and unrecognizable outside of your workplace; as a result, reading your resume is like decoding a foreign language. Information on your resume should be easily and quickly gleaned and readable.
Make these changes to enhance readability:
  • Adjust your font and add space by cutting words and spreading margins. You can expand your resume to two pages if necessary.
  • Consolidate job positions rather than listing each assignment separately.
  • Avoid repetitive information.
  • Use one font and attributes (small and capital letter words, italics, character spacing bold,etc.) to differentiate headings and sub-headings.
  • Try to eliminate content that reads like a job description.

5. Quantify your career, job, and work life accomplishments.

Try to quantify and monetize your career, job, work, and life accomplishments and the complexity of your accountabilities. Always mention numbers, dollars, and percentages instead of just describing your responsibilities.
Quantify this type of information:
  • Sales, percentage of sales growth, and new accounts opened.
  • “Held responsible for bringing in new clienteles” or “Brought in X new clients in X months”
  • 500 Employees supervised directly.

6. Polish and showcase accomplishments.

Reflect your past accomplishments, illustrate the value you’ll bring to a prospective company. Your resume should accentuate the outcomes you have delivered with precise examples. You should utilize this section with concise sentences and bullets to make these results stand out.

7. Resume length.

You should be very specific about your resume length; if you have of seven years of experience working at different positions, your resume should be two pages. With low work experience, write a one page resume.
Every day, thousands of employers search for candidates; taking the time to improve your resume will result in better chances of getting hired. Get started today!

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New Article: Ten Things You Can Do Every Day To Benefit Your Brain

A mind is a valuable thing to waste. You’ve heard the saying many times, but it truly does ring true. Your mind is your most valuable asset. You need to take care of it. So here’s a list of 10 things you can do every day to benefit your brain:

1. Take a nap.

Refreshing your body can also help you improve brain function, increase memory, and improve your mood. Even just 15 minutes can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life. So take a nap, feel refreshed, and help your brain all in one. Naps improve your brain performance, so why are you still awake?

2. Do something creative just before going to bed.

When you’re tired, your brain can be more creative. Take advantage! Whether you’re writing the next great American Novel or dusting off the old paint brush and canvas, finding your creative outlet just before going to bed can yield great results. So tap your inner Picasso and create something beautiful. Just don’t fall asleep with the brush in your hand.

3. Focus on one task at a time.

Did you know that it’s literally impossible for your brain to multitask? By focusing on one task at a time, you can keep your brain working at maximum capability and accomplish more than you imagined. Find a task you need to finish and focus solely on it. Leave the phone in the other room, turn the TV off, and focus. Your brain will thank you.

4. Do cardio. And exercise.

You’ve heard that cardio leads to a healthier, better body. But it also helps the mind. Find 15-30 minutes a day and get moving! You don’t need a gym membership or any fancy equipment. Just a walk around the neighborhood can do wonders and benefit your brain.

5. Write. Like on a real piece of paper.

Computers, iPads, tablets, smartphones and the connection to the internet everywhere means it’s becoming less and less likely that you will pull out a piece of paper and write. But research suggests handwriting makes you smarter. So leave the computer on your desk during your next meeting and write your notes.

6. Take a multi-vitamin daily.

Your car needs oil, your smartphone needs a battery, and your brain needs nutrients. A daily multi-vitamin will ensure that you get your body what it needs. And it will help your brain according to research from the British Journal of Nutrition. Pro-tip: Take your mutli-vitamin with a healthy smoothie to get your day off to a great start.

7. Learn a new language.

Learning a new language is one of the best ways to benefit your brain. It forces your brain to adapt. Learning a language can enrich your life and help you explore new culture, but also has great benefits for your brain. So grab your Rosetta Stone or use a free service like Duolingo and learn something everyday.

8. Play Words With Friends.

The hit game Words with Friends is addictive, yes, but also has great benefits for your brain! Research has found that Scrabble or other word games help increase your IQ and improve your brain power. So play your favorite variation of “jabberwock” and have fun with your friends while benefiting your brain.

9. Meditate.

Meditation is one of the best, oldest forms of relaxation. But it also helps your body and mind! The benefits for your brain found in this study show that meditation benefits nearly every part of the brain. So spend time every day in meditation! You’ll feel more relaxed and truly will be in a better state of mind.

10. Be optimistic.

Being optimistic not only helps you enjoy life, it also does wonders for your brain. When you think positively, research suggests that your brain can be a huge beneficiary. So start taking life with the glass half full approach and help your attitude and your brain.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

New Article: Ten Life Lessons from Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela has left us a legacy of forgiveness, reconciliation and his pledge for freedom for everybody, no matter their race or color. He will always be an inspiration to the world. In the long and cruel battle to achieve this, he has taught us some invaluable life lesson

1.Never abandon hope or give up

“The struggle is my life. I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days.” – Nelson Mandela
Mandela (also known as Madiba) had very clear objectives in that he was committed to ending apartheid and a terribly unjust society. He knew that the road would be paved with enormous difficulties. But he never gave up.
Defining your goal and your objectives are essential to winning the race. Facing setbacks and failure is the most difficult part, but never give up.

2. Learn the art of compromise

“You mustn’t compromise your principles, but you mustn’t humiliate the opposition. No one is more dangerous than one who is humiliated.” –Nelson Mandela
“If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.” – Nelson Mandela
Whether in politics or in relationships, compromising and negotiating are essential tools. Learn how to give and take. Mandela gave superb advice when he stated that both sides have to gain. It should ideally be a win-win situation.

3. Violence is not the answer

“We can’t win a war, but we can win an election.” – Nelson Mandela
Mandela was sentenced to prison for life (and served 27 years) because he and the ANC party had adopted a Marxist strategy of sabotage and violence in the fight for justice. After his release, he did not altogether renounce this policy. It was kept in reserve.
Reconciliation and negotiation were far more effective and powerful weapons and that should never be forgotten. Madiba had the intelligence not to let the past of bitterness and resentment restrict him. Four years of tough negotiations with President de Klerk were rewarded with success and the joint Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

4. Don’t be put off by difficulties

It always seems impossible until it is done.” – Nelson Mandela
That quote by Madiba reflects that although lives are marked by illness, tragedy, misfortune and pain, people should never get discouraged. Those negative experiences can teach more than anything else. And they can teach that you have to remain faithful to your values and ethics. Mandela wanted freedom from apartheid, and while he changed strategy, he never changed that one principle.
Nelson Mandela

5. Learn how to forgive

“If there are dreams of a beautiful South Africa, there are also roads that lead to that goal. Two of these roads could be named Goodness and Forgiveness.” – Nelson Mandela
Why do you think that Nelson Mandela decided to learn Afrikaans, the language of his oppressors, while in prison? That was the first move in forgiveness.
When you have been hurt, it is only right to feel self-pity. That feeling may be followed by anger and rage and you should let it all out in a safe, private way. If you never learn to forgive, you will always feel bad. Even if the person who hurt you is dead, negative emotions ruin your life. Time to draw a line under it, and once you forgive, you immediately start to feel better.

6. How kind are you?

“I believe that in the end that it is kindness and accommodation that are all the catalysts for real change.” – Nelson Mandela
Try a little kindness today.

7. Bond by sharing experience

 “I dream of Africa which is at peace with itself.” – Nelson Mandela
In South Africa, rugby was the sport of the white elite and many black and colored people cheered the opposing team as a way of protesting. Picture the scene at the 1995 Rugby World Cup when Mandela wore the rugby jersey of the Springboks, the South African team, who went on to win. That one gesture in participating at a great sporting event was a powerful way of bonding a nation.
On a personal level, try hugging (if appropriate!), eating together, taking part in a sport, or hundreds of other ways to strengthen bonding. These shared experiences will help understanding, commonality and reinforce relationships.

8. Fight discrimination

“I detest racialism because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man.” – Nelson Mandela
Madiba was single minded in his approach to the enormous task ahead. Today, society is confronted with many other forms of intolerance that lead to discrimination and oppression.
In addition to racism, you can add sexism, ageism, fat phobia, ableism, homophobia and classism as barriers to unity and equal human rights for all.
Where do you stand on these issues? Have you taught your kids that this discrimination is hurtful and unfair?

9. Draw a line under your past

“We don’t have to be victims of our past, that we can let go of our bitterness, and that all of us can achieve greatness.” – Nelson Mandela
Mandela had every reason to become bitter and twisted and to continue with aggression and confrontation. He was intelligent enough to realize that closure was essential and the new path towards peace and reconciliation was the only way.
How many times have you told that story about your difficult childhood, marriage or boss? Looking for pity is no way to win friends. Time for healing and closure.

10. An unconquerable spirit

At the Rivonia trial, there was a risk that Mandela might be sentenced to death. He was so determined that he persuaded his comrades that they would not appeal. He urged them to have dignity and pride, and to be steadfast.
Mandela’s approach to life when he finally retired was, “Tread softly, breathe peacefully, laugh hysterically.”

New Article: Remember These 24 Things When You’ve Been Hurt In A Relationship

So you’ve been hurt in a relationship? It’s never fun. It can be hard. It can seem as if the world is falling on top of you. But for many, heartbreak is the first step in a better, more meaningful life. It’s the perfect time to reflect on what you really want in life, in love, and for your future. Those who embrace the change are the ones who come out better on the other side.#

Remember these 24 things even though you’ve been hurt in a relationship.

1. Everyone is different. Don’t let one bad experience ruin your next experience.
2. Time heals all wounds. You have the ability to move on and love it. It’s totally within your control.
3. Only you control your heart. Never forget that only you let yourself fall in love.
4. Loving yourself is the first step to loving someone else. Make sure you take time to focus on yourself and finding what you love.
5. Finding love is easy. If you’re patient.
6. They say love can’t be rushed. And they are correct.
7. Remember, love blossoms. Just like a flower, you must plant love, water love, and let love bloom.
8. It’s hard to be sad while riding a jet ski. When things seem the worst, take a vacation or do things you love.
9. There is no good without the bad. Seeing how a bad relationship works will make a great one even more fulfilling.
10. You are special. Never forget. You have the ability to move on and love again.
11. Being single is acceptable. And even fun!
12. Don’t let a relationships define you. Never lose that thing that makes you special.
13. The rest of your life is a long time. There’s always time to heal and move on.
14. Patience is a virtue. Good things come to those who wait. But also to those who act when the opportunity arises.
15. You can only love others as much as you love yourself. Learn to love yourself.
16. Feel better about yourself and you’ll move on faster. Spend time working out and improving yourself.
17. You have the rest of your life ahead of you, not behind you. Don’t spend time looking back. Keep moving ahead.
18. Stay open to love. It’s hard opening up after love has gone bad. But always keep an open mind.
19. Practice makes perfect. Go on dates. Meet new people. You can have fun without any commitment.
20. Lower your expectations. But not your standards. When meeting new people, just hope for a nice time. Don’t expect fireworks. But don’t settle either.
21. Move slow. Don’t fall in love fast. Let it build.
22. Know the person before loving the person. Make sure there’s more to love than a pretty face or a funny personality.
23. Don’t fall in love with the idea of falling in love. This isn’t the movies. Have fun. Find someone you like. Then decide if you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
24. Remember, you’re only focusing on the good times. Never forget the reasons you were hurt. Most breakups are for good reason

New Article: Thirteen Common Bad Habits That Hold You Back From Success

Habit-forming goes hand in hand with success. There’s no ‘if’s’ or ‘buts’ on this one; it is essential to create solid habits that align with your values for you to make a success in whatever area of your life you wish. Creating habits that will serve you is all well and good, but have you ever honesty sat down and assessed the areas that might be holding you back?
It’s almost as if you are sitting in your car, foot firmly pressing down the accelerator, but you are going nowhere. Until you release the handbrake you are not going to move. Bad habits are your handbrake and for every great idea you will need to release the handbrake. Below are 15 habits that are currently holding you back from getting exactly where you want to go.

1.Waiting for the right moment

There never really is a right moment, so waiting around for one is pretty much a waste of your time You have to pick your moment – the one that suits the direction you want to go in right here, right now.  Waiting for the right moment can be disguised as procrastination, or if I may say so, fear. If you live true to your values then every moment should be acted on within the best of your interests. In every second of each day you have total control of each moment so aim to make each one fit right with you. Be aware, take the opportunity and create, create, create.

2. Needing approval from others

Once you understand that you are responsible for everything that has come and gone in your life you’ll realise that everything from here onwards depends on you as well. Taking action and having faith in your own decisions will make you a leader and therefore will not wait around for the opinion and approval from others.

3. The need to always be perfect

Striving for perfection is almost a form of self-harm.  It’s like being that dog in the cartoons chasing its tail. It’ll never happen, because perfection doesn’t exist. Think about it: when is anything ever perfect? Life is always yin and yang so you have to accept that striving for perfection can be damaging to your success. It brings with it unhappiness as there is always ‘something else to do’ when at times its better to be proud of your achievements thus far.

4. Too stubborn to let go

Ideas will come and go, so will good people, business colleagues, employees, partners… but for your creativity to blossom you have to find a way to allow these things to leave your universe as easy as they came in to it. Nothing lasts forever so learn that letting go will allow you the freedom of thought to make better of your life and move you further in the direction of success. Be careful not to create an emotional attachment to things, as they will become harder to let go. Know that the person, idea or whatever you are holding on to does not define you so there is not need need to cling to it. Lose the emotion, lose the stubbornness and make way for the new.

5. Not apologizing for making mistakes

Apologizing can really hurt your pride, right? Admitting liability for things gone wrong is not something that we are too comfortable with. What about stepping out of your comfort zone and having a look around you? The people you value the most, and have the best connection with, are the ones that are honest and open to you. If you want to move on in business and in life and want to be respected learn that apologizing for your mistakes is vital in moving forward. People respect honesty and any trust barriers will be broken.

6. Not learning from people “less” than you

I was once told by good friend that “everyone has something to offer” and at times when I’ve felt like like I haven’t needed input from anyone else I have reminded myself of this and allowed myself to open my mind. The truth is there is no one “less” than you and once you accept that your stubbornness will disappear. This doesn’t mean you have to take in everything that everyone says, but listen and give people your time as you may find that you will discover a little diamond of information that you just needed.

7. Not willing to do something beyond your duties

A little more effort goes a long way. You’ve heard the saying “you get out what you put in” right? Well it’s true, and you’ll find that those that are super successful do not sit around and revel in their accomplishments, they are always figuring out how they can do more and continue excelling. This also extends to stepping out of your comfort zone a little and surprising yourself by doing something you don’t usually do. You’ll feel great about it too, and it’ll become addictive.

8. Spending too long worrying about the outcome

We all worry at times but letting worry take over you is not going to propel your success. There is only so much in your control so you can do something about it but there are many things that are out of your control and therefore will not serve you to worry about.  put in the hard work and from there onwards relax and let be what will be.  if you worry you will clog up your brain power and lose your creativity to continue your creative work.

9. Comparing yourself to others

Success should be a personal matter. Each individual should define what success means to them and you have to be doing that yourself. Find what’s important to you and what success looks and feels like to you and be in total control of that feeling. Looking at others and always knocking yourself down because you haven’t achieved what they have or own what they own is unnecessary. You have your divine right to create the kind of success that you have worked for.

10. Not assessing your mistakes

Mistakes are part of life; we all know that, but if you’re making the same ones over and over again don’t you think that there is something going seriously wrong? It’s time to assess your mistakes honestly. Break them down and ask yourself honest questions, first of all why they may be happening and why you didn’t act differently from last time. This will help you find better solutions for the future.

11. Not working on your weaknesses

I’m sorry to break the headline news to you, but yes, you have weaknesses. That’s a great thing, though, because for every weakness, you have a strong area. Once you identify your weak areas spend a short amount of time each day working on ways to improve them. For example, if you know you need to improve your anatomy knowledge for your work, spend 15-20 minutes a day reading up on areas that you find difficult to understand and slowly but surely you will gain a much better understanding of what you need to learn.

12. Spending too long doing the things you don’t like doing

Is this contradictory of the point above? It certainly isn’t. What I’m getting at here is different to point 11. If doing your accounts drives you mad and takes up far too much of your valuable time, then hire an accountant and the job will be done properly. People often think about the expense of getting others to do work for them but trust in others’ expertise and let your mind focus on the things that you do well.

13. Taking life too seriously

Life can get you down for sure, but when you feel like the world is caving in on you remember how wonderful life is and think about all the great people and moments that have contributed in bringing you to where you are today. Remember when you were a child and you used to run around with youthful exuberance free of pain, stress and worry? Sure we have a lot more on our agendas as adults, but bring yourself back to that feeling of freedom because at any one time when you feel yourself sinking you have the freedom to take off and act upon making things better.  Your success is important, but you have full control of making of it what you wish. Smile more, love more and great things will inadvertently come your way.